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Starfish Construction Regeneration – Flexing our Charity Tentacles

A lesser-known property of the Sea Star, or Starfish, is their remarkable ability to regenerate or regrow arms and, in some cases, entire bodies. It's also the idea behind our company name. We constantly evolve our service solutions to fit our customer's needs, providing turnkey, trusted support.

With the continued challenges many in the UK faced in 2022, as a responsible company and individuals, we wanted to flex our charity arm and give it some muscle! Here are some highlights of our team's charitable and community efforts in 2022.

Sherburn Court Community Space 

Our work at the Sherburn Court refurbishment and regeneration project will ultimately make a considerable improvement for the residents. The project, which you can learn more about here, will deliver substantially better living conditions and create a modern building for the landscape. Part of the project works is removing and replacing the external cladding and windows across this multi-occupancy residential building.

As work began, our team wanted to explore any potential recycling opportunities. As part of any new project, we have tasked our site managers with seeking waste material recycling opportunities wherever possible, and they didn't disappoint with this one!

The project team sourced a clever way to recycle the old windows through Plastic Expert, a leading plastic recycler working with UK businesses to recycle plastic waste sustainably. The parts would be separated with the uPVC broken down into pellets, the metal elements recycled and the glass cullet remelted and reused. Our team loaded the removed windows into a designated skip with zero contamination from other waste materials.

Our site management team separated the uPVC parts of the frames to be pulped into contamination-free pellets, allowing them to be remanufactured into everything from garden furniture to new uPVC windows. The efforts from the team raised £1,200 for the residents. The money raised was then put to great use, purchasing new outdoor furniture for the community space for residents to get together and socialise.

You can read more about this by clicking here

"As an organisation with its roots firmly set within the communities where we live and work, our staff, their families and friends support the efforts of Starfish Construction when it comes to fundraising. As a business, we are well aware of the great work all charities do, and we will continue to support as much as possible." 

John Jessimer, Managing Director, Starfish Construction

The Antony Nolan Fund – Saving lives of people with Blood Cancer.

Starfish Construction took part in TRAD UK John Paterson Memorial Golf Day at the world-renowned Gleneagles Resort to raise funds for Anthony Nolan. It was a fantastic event, with the Starfish Construction team finishing in a very impressive 3rd place. More importantly, the golf day also helped raise the Trad UK total donation to the chosen charity to exceed their £30k target.

Cancer Research UK – Race for Life Donation 

One charity close to all our hearts is Cancer Research Race for LifeThe Race for Life is Cancer Research UK's biggest series of fundraising events. 

Starfish Construction is incredibly proud of the members of our team and their families who tirelessly raise money for good causes, both locally and UK-wide, including Cancer Research.

The Race for Life events across the UK includes 3k, 5k and 10k routes for participants to walk, jog or run, as well as the Pretty Muddy obstacle events.

Started over 25 years ago as a women-only event, although now open to all participants, Race for Life has grown into hundreds of events across the country, raising nearly £500 million towards beating cancer over the last quarter of a century.

Cancer touches all our lives, and individual employees of Starfish Construction and the company has been delighted to be able to provide our support through various ways for Cancer Research during 2022.

As part of this support, a few of the Starfish Construction team participated in the Cancer Research UK – Push-Up Challenge raising a fantastic £1000.00

A monumental effort by the participants, including Jamie PurdonNathan JessimerKevin McCormack & Tommy Cadden, helps to add necessary funds and support to the charity.

Community Involvement - Easter at Sherburn Court

Our Resident Liaison Officer at our Sherburn Court project in Leeds organised an easter prize raffle for the residents. During the project, many works are taking place, and we recognise that this can often be daunting for residents. We integrate with these resident communities, ensuring we are available to help with their concerns and needs and be a part of the community while working.

As part of this approach, we held a drop-in session on the morning of Thursday 14th April, in the blocks community room where residents could come along and chat with the Starfish Construction Team, ask any questions, and at the end, we picked the three winning numbers for our prize draw. The residents were thrilled with the goodwill gesture to thank them for their cooperation and patience during the work.

Many Starfish Construction employees drive these initiatives, and it's fantastic to see a team focused on projects and work and considerate of the communities around us.

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Now to 2023

We're proud of our charity and community work and involvement in 2022, but let's be honest; everyone who can, must play their part going forward to continue the support.

So, with this in mind, we are already planning our 2023 charity and community support activities, and we are sure, with the fantastic team we have at Starfish Construction, we'll do even better than 2022.

Now there's a challenge team!